"Dr. Fauci, 40 years of helping and/or healing, sometimes both at once, in all of those 40 years, could you ever imagine—the impact that the latter years, dealing with COVID, dealing with the virus, helping cure people with the vaccine—that you and your family would come under such a sustained political assault?” asks veteran columnist Mike Barnicle of Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who joins Morning Joe to reflect on his long career in public service , including his experience being the public face of the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic —a position that was met with vast appreciation from many and denunciation from others. Listen to his response here.


Dr. Fauci, after 40 years of public service

“The motivated ignorance of Donald Trump has been a lifetime habit, a lifetime habit. He's been operating on motivated ignorance since he's been 17, 18 years of age. He did it all through his business career, all through his life, nearly every day. And in politics, he's done it consistently. And he has developed indeed a cult around him. Now part of that cult, I would think given human nature, you’d have to feel badly for because they are people who bought into what Trump says in his motivated ignorance thinking it was going to help improve their lives. Well, it hasn't, it hasn’t, and that's the way you defeat Donald Trump. Point out the facts of people's existence. The big tax breaks that he always talks about. Did it help someone making $100,000 a year? No, it helped people making millions of dollars a year. And so, now in the debate, for the first time, that motivated ignorance is going to be displayed publicly in an empty hall. There's going to be no crowds saying, ‘oh yeah, that's great, yeah,’ applauding if he does indeed walk towards President Biden’s podium. If he does the crazy things that he's apt to do. It will be met by silence, and he will be told to go back to his podium. His microphone will be shut off; that, I think, is going to be the most interesting aspect of this debate,” says veteran columnist Mike Barnicle during this Morning Joe conversation with Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski and Amanda Carpenter as they discuss Peter Wehner's latest article for The Atlantic titled, “The Motivated Ignorance of Trump Supporters,” ahead of the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on June 27th, with both campaigns having agreed to various rules for the debate, including microphone muting and no studio audience.


The Cult of Donald Trump

Tune in for this Morning Joe conversation with Jonathan Lemire, Donny Deutsch and Mike Barnicle as they discuss the unwavering loyalty from Republican lawmakers for former President Donald Trump— in Washington this week to visit with congressional Republicans for the first time since he left office—despite his many controversies and now felony convictions. “The GOP, as I knew it, as you knew it...as everyone knew it, it's gone. It disappeared...Eight years we've been going through this dance with various Republicans, Donny. It verges from spinelessness, to lack of character, to complete duplicity, to fraud. One political party, a major political party, gone, diminished—means nothing to a lot of people today. I don't know how you rebrand that,” comments Barnicle about today's GOP.


Today’s GOP - “it disappeared,” says Barnicle

During this Morning Joe segment, Mike Barnicle, who grew up in a Gold Star house on a street where the flag flew every day, remembers his many trips to Normandy on this 80th anniversary of D-Day. And host Mika Brzezinski read from a Boston Globe column Mike wrote in 1994 to honor the fallen soldiers. "These are the heroes who all died young. They missed sunsets and baptisms. They went without 50 World Series and 50 New Year's Eves. They never stood at the door anxiously waiting for a daughter's first date to arrive or witnessed their kids' junior proms and college graduations. They never saw men landing on the moon or a fax machine. They were not allowed to walk on a beach with the girls they loved or hold the hands of grandchildren who would have asked about their great crusade. In our increasingly selfish country where everything and nearly everyone is part of some special interest, where defining any enemy or current threat to live or moral values is as difficult as peering through the murky fog that envelops this French coast, it is stunning to realize that these 4,410 and millions of others sailed to certain danger with no thought of conquest or profit. They came because they were asked and because they were needed."


80th anniversary of D-Day